1. What Is A Wellness Program?
At 3Fitt, the primary aim is to promote health, fitness, and wellness to all the employers, employees and their spouses or dependents, of an organization to make it a more productive and positive workplace. It is believed that a healthy body and a healthy mind are very important to carry out any work properly, and so, the Wellness Program comes with many different activities, challenges, events, etc., to make getting fit and healthy a fun undertaking. And to encourage taking up and completing the assigned tasks, there are reward points to be won which can be redeemed as an e-Gift card or purchase sponsored merchandise (if elected by the organization).
2. What Is A Participant Account?
When a company signs up for a Wellness Program with 3Fitt, all the participants, including the employees, employers, their spouses or dependents, etc., who have been registered for the Wellness program, will be assigned a personal wellness account. The admin will have access to the admin portal from where they can create, modify or delete activities, notifications, announcements, events, etc., and also can monitor aggregated data on the participants. On the other hand, the participant can track the activities, events, notifications, challenges, and their progress from their own personal Wellness account.
3. How Can I Add My Spouse Or A Dependent To The Wellness Program?
To be able to add a spouse or a dependent to the Wellness Program, you will have to talk about it with the administrator first. The admin will then enable an option in the user account to ADD new dependents. After the admin approves the request of adding the spouse or dependent, the user can navigate as - USER SETTINGS > SETTINGS > MANAGE DEPENDENTS. An ADD button will be enabled to the page, clicking on which a pop-up will open and the participant can enter the name, email ID, and other details of the spouse or the dependent. Once saved, an invitation email will be sent to the spouse or the dependent on their registered email ID, from where they can join the Wellness program.
4. Why Is It Important To Take A Health Risk Assessment?
Simply put, the Health Risk Assessment (HRA) is a type of questionnaire in which the user will have to answer a couple of multiple-choice questions in regard to their physical activities, lifestyle habits, nutritional details, medical history, etc., and these details along with the biometric screening data help in constructing a Wellness score which represents the possible risk factor to the participant's health and wellness. With completed HRAs, the admin can estimate the health, fitness, and wellness of the overall group more accurately and assign suitable activities, challenges, etc., to improve overall health.
5. As A Participant, How Can I Start With My HRA, Biometric, etc.?
Once the participant account has been created, it is always advised that the participant starts with the HRA and biometrics. The participant can start by clicking on the ONBOARDING CHECKLIST on the dashboard and enter the needed details and update it accordingly. The HRA is a basic questionnaire and the biometrics ask for details like height, weight, etc., to calculate the BMI, and at the end of the HRA and biometric screening, a Wellness Score will be generated. This can be done by taking a NEW ASSESSMENT from the HEALTH ASSESSMENT section in the HEALTH category of the user dashboard. The participant may also earn rewards points upon successful completion of the HRA, the biometric screening, submitting lab reports, and other related activities.
6. What Are The Ways To Track Participants Health and Fitness Progress In The Program?
There are 2 ways the participant can enter their data in regard to their exercise details, activity milestones, calorie count, etc., into the wellness program – by manual logging or via a fitness device.
7. How Do I Sync My Fitness Device To The Wellness Program?
The wellness program comes with the option of syncing your wearable devices with the platform in order to track progress. The participant can do so by logging into their portals and choosing the option for – “Connect Your Fitness Tracker” in the Onboarding checklist on the user dashboard. This will lead the participant to a page of various activity tracker devices, and the user can enable the one they prefer. The participant will be redirected to the device tracker accounts, and can follow the steps to sync/connect their fitness device.
8. How Can I Connect My Apple Watch With the Wellness Platform?
The instructions to connect the Apple Watch are slightly different from that of the other wearable devices. The participant will have to log into the wellness program and click on the “Connect Your Fitness Tracker” option in the Onboarding checklist, from where they will be redirected to a page with the device options. At the top is a ribbon to download the instruction document for connecting the Apple Watch to the wellness platform. The participant can then go through the document for instructions to connect the device.
9. What Should I Do If My Tracking Device Gets Disconnected?
There may be times when the activity tracking device gets disconnected and the participant will no longer be able to track their fitness progress. Once the participant gets notified of it, the participant can reconnect the device by logging into the wellness platform, navigate to the Apps & Devices section under User Settings, enable the relevant fitness device, and follow the next steps accordingly to reconnect the fitness device to the wellness platform.
10. I Do Not Have A Wearable Device? How Can I Track My Progress?
There are many compatible apps that a participant can find online and they can be found in the Apps & Devices section under User Settings. The participant can download any of these and sync it with the wellness platform to track the progress. For iPhones, the Apple HealthKit is a default program that comes with the phone, and it helps track steps, floors climbed, etc., easily on the go.
11. Is There An App To Keep Up With The Wellness Program?
Yes, there is an app by the name MyHealthPlus which can be downloaded from the App Store for iOS, and from the Google Play Store for Android-run devices. The app can be recognized by the logo of having a green circle with a white plus (+) sign in the middle of it. Once the app is downloaded on to the e-device, the user can sign in using the wellness program credentials. The app can be synced with a fitness device and the user can perform all the other actions as it is done on the web.
12. How Do I Track My Progress If I Do Not Have A Wearable Or An App?
If the participant does not wish to use a wearable device, they can track progress by manually entering exercise activity in their wellness account. Navigate to the TRACKERS section on the left side panel of the user dashboard > move to the EXERCISE section, and log in the details of the exercise/activity. The data will be converted to a corresponding number of steps and saved in the exercise log.
13. How Can I Earn My Reward Points?
The admin, while creating an activity, challenge, etc., will define a set number of reward points for the required tasks, and these points can be earned by the participant upon completing it. When an activity or task is assigned to a participant by the admin, it will appear as a notification or as an announcement in the participant dashboard, and when the participant enrolls or completes the required milestones, the reward points will be awarded automatically to the participant account. The participant and the admin can both view the earned reward points in their respective portals.
14. How Can I Keep A Track Of My Earned Points?
For the participant to keep track of their earned points, they can navigate in their participant account dashboard to find POINTS on the left side panel, scroll down to find the ACTIVITIES section. Here the participant will find all the details of how many points are allotted for the program, how many the participant has earned for each activity performed, how many more are to be earned to reach the next milestone, the total number of points earned, and a lot more regarding the reward points. All the earned points will be reflected in the account within 48 hours of earning them.
15. What If I Did Not Attend A Program I Signed Up For?
It is really OK if the participant couldn’t attend a wellness program for which they had registered. However, it is always better to cancel the registration beforehand if they are not going to attend. Most events or programs come with limited seats, and so, if there is any canceled registration, the chance can be given to another participant who may have tried to registered but couldn’t get entry due to space limitations.
16. How Can I Earn Points For Attending A Program For Which I Did Not Register?
If a participant attends an event or a program for which they did not register beforehand, they can do so by signing up for the event at the venue and the data will be synced with the wellness program entries. If the points are not reflected in your account after 5 – 7 days of the program, the participant can get in touch with the admin about it.
17. How Can I Protect The Privacy Of My Data?
All the data that is logged in by the participant is by default protected under Privacy Policy and is not visible to anyone except the participant themselves. If the participant wishes that any of their data be visible to others, they can do so by manually changing the Privacy Settings by navigating as – User Account > User Settings > Settings > Privacy Settings. From here, the participant can make the needed changes in their data privacy settings and click on SAVE PRIVACY SETTINGS to update the changes.