The dashboard of MyHealthPlus, the
mobile app of 3Fitt and TribalFitt, is very user-friendly, allowing clean and
smooth navigation. Below is a brief summary of the mobile app dashboard
Rewards – The Reward Earning Tips provides information on ways
to earn points. Click the ‘View More’ button to see the tips.
The Rewards section provides
information on points earned. Tapping the 'Details' and 'Redeem' tab takes you
to the respective pages in the app.
Carousel Section: Daily Health
Challenges and other announcements such as upcoming events, health videos,
health tips, and more can be viewed as a carousel.
Today’s Daily Health Challenge – This section gives a glimpse of Today’s Challenge
from the healthy habits program chosen by you. Clicking on the 'View' tab gives
more details about why this challenge is important for your health and how to
do it. Tapping 'Complete' will mark the daily activity as complete.
Your Activity – You can view your activity progress like step count,
distance, active minutes, and calories burned for the current day or previous
Challenges – This section has 3 tabs: Active, Upcoming, and
Completed. While the ongoing challenges are displayed in the Active section,
the challenges coming up soon are listed in the Upcoming section, and the
completed challenges will be in the Completed section. When a Challenge is
listed, tap on ‘View Details’, to be redirected to the Challenges page on the
Menu bar.
Leaderboard - The last section of the dashboard is the Leaderboard which shows
your step ranking for the past 7 days compared to your peers.
At the bottom of the page are
options to navigate to other modules: Health, Challenges, Community, and
Tapping on the Menu icon
(3 horizontal lines) at the top left of the dashboard will give access to other
features and sections.